Lasik FAQs

At Karns Vision Center, we want you to enjoy quality sight. For some of our patients, vision improvement will come through the use of prescription eyeglasses or contacts. Others may prefer to have LASIK eye surgery to improve their sight. These FAQs from our optometrists in Knoxville provide greater insight into what to expect from LASIK treatment.

Lasik FAQs

What is LASIK surgery?

LASIK is a surgical eye treatment that reshapes the cornea of your eye to correct refractive errors and improve the quality of your sight. At Karns Vision Center, we offer pre- and post-op care for LASIK surgery. Your Knoxville optometry specialist can recommend a surgical eye doctor near you to perform this treatment.

Who’s a candidate for LASIK eye surgery?

LASIK candidates must meet certain qualifications for this treatment. You must be 18 years or older, be in good health, have good eye health, and have a stable prescription for at least a year before surgery. Our optometry specialist will review your medical history and test your eye health and vision to see if you’re eligible for this procedure.

Is LASIK eye surgery painful?

Your LASIK eye doctor will numb your eyes with anesthetic drops before your procedure to ensure you feel no pain during surgery. You may, however, feel slight pressure around your eyes. If your eyes are sore after your surgery, a short nap will help relieve this discomfort. Your eye care specialist will prescribe eye drops to relieve pain and expedite your healing.

When can I resume my normal schedule?

Most patients are up and about the day after surgery with notable improvement in their sight. Your vision will continue to improve over the next few months. Certain activities, such as swimming and contact sports, should be avoided for the first few weeks after LASIK. An optometrist will schedule follow-up visits to monitor your recovery.

Can LASIK eye surgery give me 20/20 vision?

There’s no guarantee you will have 20/20 vision after your procedure. But your vision will improve to such an extent that you’ll no longer depend on glasses or contacts for optimal sight. The correction to your distance vision will be permanent. As you age, you may experience changes to your near vision and require readers for clear sight.

See Your Knoxville Optometrist for Pre- and Post-op LASIK Eye Care

To learn more about LASIK surgery, contact Karns Vision Center in Knoxville, TN at 865-247-7715.

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