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Posted Aug 2018

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Posted Dec 2017

Happy Holidays

The holidays are a time of joy, time with family and friends and exchanging good tidings. The last thing that you want is for this to be a time spent in the emergency room with your pet. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the holidays and keep your pet safe.

High fat foods, such as ham, gravy, butter and desserts, may cause inflammation of your dog’s pancreas. Pancreatitis causes intense abdominal pain and vomiting and requires hospitalization to recover.

Keep foods securely sealed and enclosed in a high space or the refrigerator. Secure the lid on the trash can to avoid garbage raiding.

Bones: chewing on bones, particularly turkey bones, can cause splintering. Once swallowed, the splintered bones can cause trauma to the intestinal tract, requiring surgery. Ham bones, while they tend to not splinter, are hard and can fracture teeth when your dog chews on them.

Onions and onion powder: in large enough quantities can cause a sudden onset of anemia.

Foreign objects: such as string (used to tie the turkey), skewers, plastic bags and turkey poppers. Your pet does not have self restraint or the common sense to avoid these objects that drip of meat juices.

Toxins: Mistletoe and holly are toxic plants. Caution with snow globes as they contain toxic antifreeze, which is highly toxic to pets.


- Secure the tree to avoid the tree falling onto your pet if they decide to climb.

- Ornaments should be kept on higher branches to avoid breaking, eating and destruction.

- Tinsel should not be used as pets love to play with it and if eaten, can cause serious injury to the intestinal tract and require surgery to repair.

- If you put chemicals in the water of your tree, cover the bowl so your pet does not drink from it.

- Sweep up pine needles to avoid health problems.

Maintain routines: With all of the people in the house, some pets may become nervous with the change in routine. Provide your pet with a retreat space to unwind from it all. Be sure to keep normal routines especially exercise for your pet.

Watch that door: If you expect a large number of people in your home, be sure to watch the door to make sure that there are no unexpected escapes.

Click here for downloadable handout.

Posted Dec 2017


People are not the only ones with a love for chocolate. Pets like chocolate too. Chocolate toxicity is most common around holidays when chocolate can be found at every turn. Unfortunately, dogs do not show any restraint with how much they consume. Chocolate is also toxic to cats, but they often do not eat enough of this delicacy to cause toxicity.

Chocolate contains a group of chemicals known as methylxanthines; most specifically, theobromine and caffeine. Dogs and cats cannot tolerate the higher levels of these compounds like people can. Different types of chocolate have varying amounts of these toxic compounds:

Milk chocolate>Semi-Sweet (Bittersweet) Chocolate>Cocoa Bean Mulch>Baking Chocolate>Cocoa powder White chocolate contains insignificant amounts of the toxic compounds, and is therefore rarely toxic.

Symptoms of chocolate toxicity depend on:

type of chocolate eaten,

  • how much was eaten

Mild toxicity: vomiting, diarrhea

Moderate toxicity: vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity and a racing heart rate

Severe toxicity: seizures and death

Chocolate ingestion is considered an emergency. If you think that your pet has eaten chocolate, call the veterinary clinic immediately for recommendations. Time is of the essence.

Since chocolate containing foods often contain butter or milk, the high fat content can cause inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) in dogs. Pancreatitis causes intense abdominal pain and vomiting and requires hospitalization to recover.

To keep your pet healthy and out of the emergency room, be sure to always store chocolate containing items in a tightly sealed container far out of reach from your pet.

If your pet exhibits any of these warning signs call us immediately at for advice

Click here for a downloadable handout.

Posted Sept 17, 2015

Speaker: Louise Dunn

Topic: Training for Success presentation slides are available in our members only library. To view please sign up for membership on front page under members tab at the bottom of page. If your interested in becoming a member of NJVHMA send your request to [email protected] and we will send you the necessary forms to become a member.

Date: Spring 2014

Speaker: Jennifer Hock

Topic: Human Capital: The ultimate leadership challenge. Link::

Jan 2015

OSHA Injury Forms: All three forms must be filled out and posted by the end of February of each year.

300 Form:

300A Form:

301 Form:


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