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Eye Makeup: How Does it Affect Your Vision?

We get a lot of questions from women about how safe eye makeup is for their eyes. The good news is, eye makeup is perfectly safe. The bad news is, there are still plenty of ways to make it unsafe for your vision. Improper application, improper removal, or simply applying too much eye makeup can all be hazardous to your vision.

So here are some tips to make sure you’re that when you’re playing up your peepers with eye makeup, you’re doing it as safely as possible.

Throw your mascara out after 3-4 months, and don’t try to re-wet dried mascara with water or saliva.

Don’t share cosmetics with others—you’re essentially sharing bacteria when you do this. If you wouldn’t share your toothbrush with your friend, don’t share your mascara either. (This is the exception to the rule, “sharing is caring.”)

Don’t apply your makeup on the move—like in the car, for example (especially if you’re the one driving!). It increases the chances of your eye pencil or mascara scratching your eye.

Avoid applying eye makeup when you have an infected or irritated eye.

Wash your hands before applying makeup.

Use a proper makeup remover before bed—leaving your eye makeup on overnight can lead to infected or dry, irritated eyes; and it’s also bad for your lashes. A quality eye makeup remover is a great option for safely removing your mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow.

If you're having any problems with your eyes, please give us a call so we can help!

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