Hard To Fit Contacts FAQs

If you are thinking about getting contact lenses, you will first need a contact lens exam. During this visit to the optometrist, your eyes will be measured, your prescription will be determined, and the best choice of contact lenses will be decided. Your eye doctor will also examine your eyes for signs of refractive errors. If you have a refractive error, you may benefit from hard-to-fit contacts. Our optometrists at Complete Eye Care of Medina, serving Medina, Plymouth, and Maple Grove, are answering some of the most frequently asked questions about hard-to-fit lenses.

Hard To Fit Contacts FAQs

What Conditions Are Considered Hard To Fit?

There are several eye conditions that will make it difficult to wear soft lenses. These include:

  • Keratoconus: A healthy cornea is round like a ball. If you have keratoconus, it means that the fibers that hold the shape of the cornea became weak and bulged out into a cone shape.
  • Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis: This is an allergic reaction to the eye. It occurs when several small bumps form under the eyelid. Traditional lenses tend to build up with protein deposits, which can make your symptoms worse.
  • Presbyopia: Presbyopia causes a decline in your close-up vision. It occurs when the natural lens of the eye thickens and loses its flexibility.
  • Astigmatism: Astigmatism is a refractive error that is characterized by a misshapen cornea. A unique lens will be necessary to treat the condition.

How Do I Find Out If I Have A Refractive Error?

An eye exam can determine if you have a refractive error. Your optometrist will conduct a series of tests to determine if your eyes are considered hard to fit for soft contacts.

What are the Types of Hard-to-Fit Lenses?

There are several types of hard-to-fit contacts available. The one that your eye doctor chooses would depend on your condition.

  • Gas-Permeable Lenses: Gas-permeable lenses are rigid, so they are capable of holding your eye's round shape. They are an excellent treatment option for keratoconus. Also, protein deposits and other debris won't adhere to them as easily, making them an excellent choice for giant papillary conjunctivitis.
  • Piggyback Contacts: If you are having trouble getting used to gas-permeable lenses, your eye doctor can prescribe a softer lens to wear underneath to act as a cushion.
  • Scleral Lenses: Scleral lenses don't rest on the cornea the way that traditional lenses do. They rest on the white part of your eye and vault over the cornea, making it easier to treat dry eye syndrome, keratoconus, and giant papillary conjunctivitis.
  • Bifocal Lenses: Bifocal lenses contain two prescriptions, making them an excellent option for presbyopia.
  • Monovision: If you can't get used to multifocal lenses, monovision is an option. Your optometrist would fit you with a lens for distance in one eye and a lens for close-up in the other.
  • Toric Lens: Toric lenses are great in treating astigmatism.

Schedule an Eye and Vision Exam with Our Eye Doctors in Medina, Plymouth, and Maple Grove

If you are thinking about getting contacts, schedule an appointment with Complete Eye Care of Medina today. Our eye doctors treat patients in Medina, Plymouth, Maple Grove, and the surrounding areas. Whether you need traditional contact lenses or hard-to-fit contacts, we can help. Schedule your appointment by giving us a call today at 763-478-3505.