• Premature Babies and Vision Problems

    Prematurity can cause a range of vision problems. Fortunately, optometrists offer a range of treatments and devices that can improve your child's ability to see.

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  • Preparing For Presbyopia Awareness Month in April

    Do you have to hold books farther and farther away from your face to see clearly? You may have presbyopia.

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  • Preparing for Laser Eye Surgery

    Choosing laser eye surgery is a big decision. Whatever your treatment goal, proper preparation before surgery will help you obtain optimal results, speed up recovery, and minimize potential risks. If you've done your homework, then this advanced procedure can lead to a quick and healthy recovery. Here's

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  • Presbyopia

    As we age, our eyes—like the rest of our bodies—begin to lose flexibility and strength. When this happens to the lens of the eye and its surrounding muscles, your lens will become stiff. This makes it harder to see close objects clearly because the eyes can't focus properly. It's a natural part of

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  • Presbyopia

    Somewhere around the age of 40, most people’s eyes lose the ability to focus on close-up objects. This condition is called presbyopia. You may start holding reading material farther away, because it is blurry up close. Reading suddenly gives you eyestrain. You might wonder when manufacturers started

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  • Presbyopia eye drops

    Would you like to stop squinting when you look at close objects? A new kind of eyedrops can improve presbyopia, an age-related vision problem.

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  • Prisms

    A prism has the same cross-section across the entire length of its shape. When used in eyeglasses, they often correct abnormalities associated with nearsightedness, farsightedness and double vision. Eyeglasses, or corrective lenses, reduce or increase the size of the image based on the eyes’ ability

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  • Proper Contact Lens Care Keeps Your Lenses Comfortable and Clean

    Do you follow care recommendations for your contact lenses? If not, you may putting your vision at risk.

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  • Protect Your Eyes for Life: Healthy Aging Month

    Do you know how to keep your eyes healthy as you grow older?

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  • Protecting Your Eyes

    Of our five senses, humans rely on vision most strongly. Our everyday experience of the world is colored by our ability to see, our memory draws heavily upon visual information, and many activities of daily living are challenging without sight. As a result, it is essential to protect your eyes from damage.

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  • Protecting Your Vision While At Work

    Are you at risk of an eye problem at work? These tips will help you avoid injuries and discomfort.

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  • Pterygium

    Pterygium is characterized by a pink tissue growth on the sclera (the white part of the eye), which seems to be the result of chronic exposure to ultraviolet light. In fact, because many surfers suffer from pterygium, the condition is often called surfer’s eye. Pterygium is not cancerous and may continue

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  • Ptosis

    Ptosis (TOE-sis) refers to an upper eyelid that droops and can occur in children or adults. The droop may be hardly visible, or it could cover the entire pupil. Depending on the severity of the droop, it could interfere with vision. People with ptosis may try to lift the eyelids or tilt their heads back

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  • Questions You Should Ask Your Optometrist

    Do you know what questions to ask your optometrist during your eye exam?

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  • Reading Glasses

    During the normal aging process, components of your eyes change in shape and flexibility. This frequently corresponds to vision changes that may make it difficult to see close objects. Although not all adults experience these changes, many find that they need reading glasses as they get older. Visiting

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  • Reading and Writing

    For many adults, reading and writing come so naturally that they seem almost effortless. However, reading and writing are actually complicated skills that take significant effort to learn. For example, reading involves recognizing letters, associating letter combinations with their corresponding sounds,

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