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  • CAL P.U.C. T-154190 
  • MC 720709

Interstate agent for National Van Lines, Inc.
 Click here to request a FREE San Diego Moving Quote - No obligation moving estimate for international shipping, local San Diego movers or long distance cross country out of state moving from San Diego

Moving this summer? Book Your Move NOW

We have just started the busy time of the year for moving and already we are seeing that if you want to get moved in a specific time frame and are not VERY flexible with your schedule, you need to book your move now. 

We are seeing that most of the major van lines are already putting on booking restrictions, many are unable to schedule a pickup date prior to July 1, 2012 and we are not even a week into June. 

Get your estimate early so when the time comes, you as soon as you are ready you can get your move on the books.

If you know the mover you want to use but are unsure about the specific dates but know an approximate date, book your move. Dates can be adjusted to some degree but once the system is full they will not be able to help you move.

To schedule a FREE in home estimate call 619-596-2594.