Dr. James Salz, M.D.

Los Angeles LASIK and Cataract Surgeon
Dr. James J. Salz, M.D.


Trusted LASIK SurgeonsTM and Trusted Cataract SurgeonsTM

**In Memoriam **
Dr. James Joseph Salz, M.D. (1939-2022)

  • Dr. Salz was one of the few ophthalmologists in the world who performed groundbreaking research in cataract surgery and refractive surgery, including artificial lens implants and laser-assisted cataract surgery for cataracts and Radial Keratotomy, the precursor to LASIK,  PRK and LASIK (laser vision correction surgery) and ICLs (implantable contact lenses) among other vision correction procedures. 
  • Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Southern California/Doheny Eye Institute for over 40 years.
  • Founding Editor of the Journal of Refractive Surgery. 
  • Barraquer Award (honors an eye doctor who has made significant contributions in the field of refractive surgery during his or her career)
  • Principal Investigator for 12 FDA Studies for manufacturers of lasers and other devices and and/or medications related to vision and eyecare (like Alcon and Visx) as well as a co-investigator for 5 other FDA clinical studies and 1 study for the National Eye Institute (for Radial Keratotomy, which involved using a diamond blade to make incisions before lasers were used in PRK and LASIK).
  • Published over 110 articles, 21 textbook chapters, and 2 textbooks on refractive, cataract and lens implant surgery in major (peer-reviewed) ophthalmology journals
  • Over 250 presentations at major meetings of ophthalmologists worldwide.

Dr. Salz recommendation for LASIK in Los Angeles

LASIK and CATARACT Surgeon, Dr. Jonathan Davidorf, M.D.

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Dr. Salz and Trusted LASIK SurgeonsTM recommendation for Cataract Surgery in Los Angeles 

Cataract Surgeon, Dr. Barry Siebel, M.D.

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Credentials and Qualification
Professional Credentials
Additional Career Highlights
Surgeon Bio

Appointments and Information 

Dr. Salz's recommendations:

for LASIK- Dr. Davidorf: (818) 883-0112

for Cataract Surgery- Dr. Siebel: (310) 444-1134

Website: DrSalz.com

Location (for Dr. Salz and Dr. Siebel):

West Los Angeles, Brentwood, Westwood, Santa Monica:
11620 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 711
Los Angeles, CA 90025

Trusted LASIK SurgeonsTM recommends Dr. Barry Siebel, Dr. Salz's colleague and friend.  When Dr. Salz had cataract surgery he chose Dr. Siebel and was amazed with the great results.  


Credentials and Qualifications

Dr. James Joseph Salz had extensive qualifications that that we estimate place him among the top LASIK and laser eye surgery and refractive and cataract surgeons in the United States.

For your convenience, these credentials and criteria have been grouped by Experience, Patient Care and Credentials. Trusted LASIK SurgeonsTM has included some additional career highlights of Dr. Salz that while not used by Trusted LASIK SurgeonsTM in our screening process, clearly supplement his highly distinguished career as a true pioneer in vision correction surgery.

Dr. Salz’s qualifications and credentials as one of the top vision correction, LASIK, and cataract surgeons included:


  • Over 30years experience in laser vision surgery, including LASIK
  • Over 42 years experience in refractive surgery (laser vision, lens implants and RK)
  • Over 43 years experience in cataract surgery (including cataract surgery with lens implants)
  • Performed over 5,000 LASIK and laser vision procedures
  • Performed over 3,000 lens implant (IOL) procedures
  • Performed over 4,500 cataract surgery procedures (including cataract surgery with lens implants)
  • Among the first cataract surgeons to offer Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery in the United States
  • Principal Investigator for 12 FDA Studies for manufacturers of lasers and other devices, products, and/or medications related to vision and eyecare (like Alcon and Visx) as well as a co-investigator for 5 other FDA clinical studies and 1 study for the National Eye Institute 
  • Refractive and Cataract Surgery Expert Witness: Over 34 years experience providing expert witness services on behalf of plaintiffs and defendants, including case review and expert testimony for cases involving the following refractive and cataract eye surgery procedures
    • LASIK and PRK laser eye surgery, corneal transplants, cataract surgery, intraocular lens (IOL) implant procedures, including phakic lenses and monofocal lenses
    • Reviewed or provided expert witness testimony for over 60 cases and reviewed over 95 cases

Premier Patient Care

  • “All-Laser” LASIK (bladeless) using the IntraLase laser
  • Wavefront Based (“Custom”) LASIK and PRK laser eye surgery
  • Use of iLASIK Procedure- WaveScan Technology, IntraLase, and Visx Advanced CustomVue treatments
  • Offers complete refractive surgery care
    • LASIK and PRK eye surgery
    • Intraocular lens implant surgery (IOLs) including Refractive Lensectomy (RLE) or Clear Lensectomy (CLE) using monofocal lenses, multifocal lenses, and accommodating lenses, as well as phakic implants and toric implants
    • Other vision correction surgery: Conductive Keratoplasty (CK), and Limbal Relaxing Incisions
    • Cataract Eye Surgery (including cataract surgery with lens implants)
    • Prinicipal investigator for current FDA Optimal Keratoplasty Study for correction of low hyperopia without creating LASIK flaps
  • Management of complications of surgery for new patients who had problems and complications from LASIK surgery or another vision correction operation or cataract surgery originally performed by another eye doctor
  • Other eye surgeons, optometrists, opticians, employees of companies that specialize in refractive surgery instrumentation or their family members have had their LASIK or other refractive and cataract surgery performed by Dr. Salz

Professional Credentials

  • Current Faculty Appointments
  • Professional Societies and Organizations
    • Member of American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
      • Honor Award
      • Senior Honor Award
      • Secretariat Award in 2007 for contributions as a media spokesperson
      • Lifetime Achievement Award
    • Member of American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ASCRS)
      • Past member of Scientific Advisory Committee
    • Member of the International Society of Refractive Surgeons (ISRS)
      • Barraquer Award (honors an eye doctor who has made significant contributions in the field of refractive surgery during his or her career)
      • Past President (several terms)
    • California Academy of Ophthalmology
    • Los Angeles Society of Ophthalmology
      • Past President, Vice-President, Secretary
    • Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company (OMIC):
      • Member of Board of Directors of Board of Directors
      • Member of Claims Committee
      • Member of Risk Management Committee, Specialty: Refractive Surgery, Cataract/IOL
    • Los Angeles Research Study Club
      • Member of Board of Directors
  • Consulting Positions:
    • Alcon: Medical Monitor for Laser Vsion Correction FDA trials—2005-2007
    • National Vision Research Institute, San Diego, CA
    • Lions-Doheny Eye Bank Los Angeles, CA
    • Presentation to FDA's Ophthalmic Advisory Panel on Evaluation of Excimer Lasers for Refractive Surgery
    • Rand Corporation: Panel for Eye Care Workforce sponsored by American Academy of Ophthalmology
  • Charitable Activities:
  • Certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology
  • Editorial Positions
    • Journal of Refractive Surgery
      • Founding Editor-in-Chief
      • Member of Board of Directors
    • Eyenet (publication of American Academy of Ophthalmology)
    • Review of Ophthalmology
      • Member of Advisory Board
  • Published over 110 articles, over 21 textbook chapters, and 2 textbooks on refractive, cataract and lens implant surgery and contact lenses in major (peer-reviewed) ophthalmology journals
  • Over 250 presentations at major meetings of ophthalmologists worldwide.

Additional Career Highlights

  • Rated one America’s Top Doctors in the field refractive surgery since 2004
  • One of the authors of the book entitled "The Art and Science of Ophthalmology ", an authoritative, insider's perspective on the various challenges in this field of medicine and the key qualities necessary to become a successful practitioner
  • Co-Chairman: Eye Subcommittee of Los Angeles Olympics Organizing Committee (1982-1984)
  • Member of Haute MD, an exclusive, invitation-only directory of doctors and surgeons; interviewed for their website and print magazine in the article "Q & A with Dr. Salz", November 2011


Surgeon Bio

Dr. James J. Salz received his M.D. from Duke University and completed his ophthalmology residency training at the University of Southern California. He first began researching refractive surgery techniques in 1979 and has performed clinical refractive surgery since 1980. He is one of the few ophthalmic surgeons in the United States to have performed all types of refractive surgery. Dr. Salz was appointed the Principal Investigator for multiple PRK and LASIK FDA Clinical Trials for Visx and Alcon from 1990-2004 for myopia, hyperopia and wavefront guided LASIK at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA.

He was the Founding Editor of the Journal of Refractive Surgery. He was the co-editor of the book Refractive Corneal Surgery published in 1986 and is the Editor-in-Chief of the 1994 published textbook Corneal Laser Surgery (which was the first book to cover all aspects of corneal laser surgery). In addition to his published articles, Dr. Salz has over 15 book chapters, the majority dealing with refractive surgery. His most recent publications include articles relating to pupil size in refractive surgery, treating complications of LASIK surgery and a book chapter on the pre-operative examination of refractive surgery patients.

Dr. James Salz has devoted most of his career to research and development of refractive surgery techniques. He was only one of 10 surgeons selected to participate in a National Study of Radial Keratotomy (PERK). Dr. Salz has been actively involved in teaching refractive and cataract surgery techniques to other eye surgeons both in the US and abroad since 1981. He was the 1991 President of the International Society of Refractive Keratoplasty and has been a volunteer surgeon and lecturer on Project Orbis (the "flying eye hospital") in Yugoslavia, India and Cuba. He has been interviewed about eye surgery techniques on the Today Show, on Surgery (ISRS) Barraquer Award honoring his contribution to refractive surgery. In 1997 he received the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Senior Honor Award and in 2003 received the ISRS/AAO Lifetime Achievement Award for his continued contributions to refractive surgery.

Dr. Salz was a member of the Refractive Surgery Research Laboratory and an attending staff member Cedars Sinai Medical Center.

Dr. Salz also served on the Board of Directors for the Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company (OMIC), Discovery Eye Foundation, and Los Angeles Research Study Club,

Dr. Salz was honored with the Barraquer Award in 1994 (for contributions to the field of refractive surgery) and Lifetime Achievement Awards from the International Society of Refractive Surgeons and the senior Honor Award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Dr. James Salz, M.D., the President and primary physician of Laser Vision Medical Associates, performed laser vision surgery on patients with nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism (blurred vision), and presbyopia. Dr. Salz’s practice primarily served the greater Los Angeles area, including Beverly Hills, West Los Angeles, Hollywood, West Hollywood, and Santa Monica, but patients came from all over Southern California and even as far as England and South America to be treated by him. 

View LASIK Surgeon Dr. James J. Salz Curriculum Vitae

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