We Care about your Eyes

Comprehensive eye examinations are valuable in maintaining proper eyesight and visual health. Identifying and correcting vision disorders early will greatly enhance the successful treatment process. If you have corrective lenses, examinations will ensure your prescription is current and any variations in your vision will be treated promptly and effectively and will reduce eyestrain and headaches.

Our examinations are designed to evaluate your eye health and detect any irregularities using a series of test performed by our highly trained, fully certified practitioners. Testing for disorders such as glaucoma, cataracts, blurry vision, or other visual disturbances are a part of our examination utilizing all the state of the art technologies. Throughout the process, we will educate and explain every option available to you.

Age-related issues affect us all at some point in our lifetimes. If your child exhibits eye turns, poor grades or if your vision is becoming blurred as you approach middle age, we can help. By visiting your eye care professional once a year, small disorders will be diagnosed before they become advanced and more costly treatment is necessary. To keep your eyes comfortable and happy, contact Dr.Budner today for an appointment.