Mascara, when to dispose of it.

How old is that mascara? Do you know? Most of us don’t worry much about makeup expiration dates. But eye makeup is a notorious breeding ground for potentially harmful bacteria.

Potential Bacterial Infections Like Styes or Pinkeye

Eyelashes naturally have bacteria on them. Your mascara wand is infected as soon as you use it! Bacteria thrives in the dark, moist environment of your mascara tube. Although many cosmetics contain preservatives that slow bacterial growth, over time bacteria will accumulate.

This can lead to bacterial infections like styes or pinkeye. You also risk fungal infections and general irritation. Most problems caused by makeup contamination are minor and temporary. However, these infections can progress into vision-threatening conditions.

Be Aware Of Expiration Dates

Three or four months after opening, mascara should be discarded and replaced, no matter how much is left in the tube! And remember, most safety rules for mascara also apply to your liquid liner.