Combat Glaucoma with Early Detection

Combat Glaucoma with Early Detection

Currently, regular eye exams are the best way to prevent significant glaucoma damage. Early detection and treatment are crucial. A check for glaucoma should be done every one to three years once an individual reaches the age range of 40-55. After age 65, an examination for glaucoma should be done every six to 12 months. Those people with high risk factors for glaucoma, such as diabetes or a family history of glaucoma, should be tested every year after the age of 35.

portrait_of_senior_woman_preventing_glaucomaWhile there are no known ways of preventing glaucoma, significant vision loss and blindness from glaucoma can be prevented when detected in its early stages. In its most common form, primary open angle glaucoma, the loss of vision is slow, silent and progressive. There’s an internal pressure that damages the nerve fibers in the optic nerve. Typically, peripheral vision is affected first, and central vision is affected next. Glaucoma medicines can be used to slow the progression of glaucoma. These medications prevent damage to the optic nerve by reducing intraocular pressure. Surgical treatments are also available. Additionally, individuals involved in home improvement projects and in sports should wear protective eyewear to prevent eye injuries that can cause secondary glaucoma.

Treating Glaucoma with your Fairfax and Rockville Optometrists

Glaucoma happens to be one of the leading causes of blindness, and it most often occurs in people over 40 years of age. At Dr. Howard Budner & Associates in both Fairfax and Rockville Maryland, we conduct comprehensive vision assessments and eye health examinations that include a tonometry test to measure the pressure in your eyes. We also perform an examination of the eyes’ interior and a computerized visual field test the check for changes in side and central vision. Our entire optometry team is dedicated to providing advanced vision care for glaucoma in a professional and comfortable environment. To check on your eye health, schedule an appointment for an eye exam with us today!