What is Ortho-K?

What is Ortho-K?

Ortho-K lenses at Dr. Howard Budner & Associates

What if you could have your eyesight corrected without resorting to surgery? Orthokerotology, or ortho-k, is the answer! Specially fitted contact lenses are worn overnight. These lenses reshape the eyes, correcting the eyesight for the next day. It's not for everyone, but for patients who use it, ortho-k can produce amazing results.

Our Fairfax and Rockville Optometrist Explains Ortho-K

Ortho-k uses a special gas permeable lens that's worn overnight. As you sleep, the lens gently and painlessly reshapes your eyeball, resulting in corrected vision that lasts for the next 24 to 48 hours. It's not a permanent solution, and you should wear the lenses every night for the best results, but it can allow you to live, work, and play without needing eyeglasses or contact lenses.

These specialty contact lenses aren't for everyone. The two most common patients for ortho-k are children looking to  halt the progression of myopia and adults with minor to moderate problems with nearsightedness. Ortho-k can also be effective with astigmatism and other vision problems, but it's not as common. With the children, evidence suggests that those who wear ortho-k lenses for multiple years end up with significantly less myopia than those who don't. It's only a part of a comprehensive treatment program, but it's an important one.

The process begins with an eye examination during which our optometrist will measure your eyes to determine the prescription needed for your lenses. Once you begin wearing your ortho-k lenses, you may see progress within a day or two. Patients with worse eyesight can take up to two weeks before their vision returns to normal. Over 2/3 of the patients using ortho-k can be corrected to 20/20 vision, with the majority of the rest being corrected to 20/32 or better. In almost every case, you'll see well enough to legally drive in all 50 states.

Call Our Optometrist Today

If you have any questions about ortho-k, or would like to speak with our optometrist and schedule an examination, call Dr. Howard Budner & Associates at 703-935-4181. We'll be happy to start you on the road to improved vision as soon as possible.