Eye Diseases

Your Eye Exam Can Also Diagnose Eye Disease

Woman at Dr. Howard Budner & Associates being checked for eye diseases

Most people get an eye examination because they're eyesight isn't what it should be. Vision testing is certainly part of every eye examination, but at Dr. Howard Budner & Associates our optometrist will check your eyes for a number of different eye diseases. Early detection is the key to successful eye disease treatment, so getting a thorough eye examination on a regular basis is crucial for eye health.

The Most Common Eye Diseases in Fairfax and Rockville

Many of the most common eye diseases can be present without you having any symptoms. You may be surprised to get a diagnosis of cataracts or macular degeneration without noticing any change in your eyesight. This is because an exam can show the very earliest signs of eye diseases, long before they're bad enough to affect your eyesight. Among the most common we can find are:

  • Cataracts  - Your eye is covered by a clear lens that's made up of water and protein. Sometimes this protein clumps together and starts to cloud your vision, causing the world to look yellowed or foggy. Cataracts can stay minor or can cause legal blindness, depending on the speed of their growth
  • Glaucoma  - Your eye is like a swimming pool, with liquid constantly flowing in and out of your eyeball. If the valve that allows liquid to flow out gets jammed, the pressure inside can build up, damaging your optic nerve. Medication to relieve the pressure is necessary once the glaucoma worsens
  • Macular degeneration  With this disease, the eye loses the ability to focus in the center, leaving a fuzzy patch in the middle of your eyesight
  • Dry eyes  Dry eyes are due to lack of tear production. This can be because of simple aging, medical conditions, or even an infection in the tear duct itself

Call Our Optometrists Today

Having regular eye examinations are key to diagnosing and successfully treating eye diseases. Call Dr. Howard Budner & Associates at 703-935-4181 to make an appointment. We serve patients in the Rockville and Fairfax areas, and will make an appointment that fits in with your busy lifestyle.