Steps to Cleaning Eyeglasses

  1. glasses-1Get ‘em all warm and wet. The biggest mistake people make in terms of cleaning glasses lenses is not getting all of the big chunks off before wiping them down. Lenses have a nasty habit of attracting and collecting little particles of dust and other debris that can and do scratch the lenses if not safely removed before the big rubdown. So, before you do anything, turn the faucet on, get the water warm (not hot), hold your glasses by the earpieces, and run them under the warm water for about twenty seconds per lens. Do this for the front and back of both lenses.
  2. glasses-2aSpray and wipe. Once the big scratchy chunks are all gone, it’s time to remove some of that built up grease and grime that’s been accumulating for the last year and a half. First, locate a cloth that is meant for cleaning glasses (probably came with your glasses), a soft cotton cloth, or a bit of old silk (perhaps from a necktie). Next, hold your glasses by the bridge piece and spray the inside and outside of each lens with eyeglass lens cleaner. With forefinger and middle finger on the outside of one lens, thumb on the inside, and the cloth between your fingers and the glass, rub gently in a back and forth motion across the first lens. Then do the same with other one.
  3. glasses-3Time for some cotton swab action. This is especially important if you are cleaning sunglasses or cleaning eyeglasses with plastic frames. With glasses such as these, the lenses are popped into place and there is generally a noticeable ridge around them that likes to collect grease and grime. Start by pouring a little rubbing alcohol into a shallow dish. Next, grab a cotton swab, dip it into the alcohol, and run it along that ridge where the nastiness has collected. You should use a clean swab with every swipe. To get the most from each swab, roll them between your fingers as you run them along the ridges of your glasses. Do this all around each lens on both the front and back.
  4. glasses-4Dry your glasses. After you clean your glasses, you’ll want to dry them before putting them on your face. There are several ways to do this. The most gentle way is to simply give them a couple little shakes over the sink, set them on a clean cotton towel, and allow them to air dry. If you’re the impatient type, set them on a towel and use a blow dryer set on the lowest temperature possible. If you have really hard water and don’t want to risk water spots on the lenses, use a soft cotton towel or a lens cleaning cloth, hold the glasses by the frames, and gently wipe them down.
  5. glasses-5Inspection time. After the process of eyeglass cleaning is complete, you’ll want to inspect your work. There’s nothing more irritating than taking the time to clean your glasses only to notice a smudge that you missed as soon as you step outside. So, grab your glasses, hold them by the earpieces up by the lenses, and hold them up to a light source (no, not the sun). Inspect each lens carefully. If you’re satisfied, carry on with your day. If you see something you don’t like, repeat the second step.
  6. glasses-6Proper spectacle storage. Now that you know how to clean eyeglasses, you should probably know what to do with them when you’re not wearing them. Most people simply set them on the dresser or the coffee table. Not good enough. Not only will the lenses collect dust and get nasty again, by leaving them out you also run more of a risk of having them spilled on, whisked away by a child, or gnawed on by a hungry pet. One of my cats is notorious for leaving little tooth marks in things. So, do yourself a favor and just put ‘em in the case that they came with when you’re not wearing them. If you don’t have that case anymore, take your glasses to any optometrist. They will happily sell you a case that your glasses will fit in.

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