How to Lose Weight and Feel Great

How to Lose Weight and Feel Great

weight loss in Milwaukee with Vitality Health.jpgHere at Vitality Health and Wellness we work with people who want to lose weight the healthy way. If that describes you, here are some tips for turning things around:

Avoid "convenience foods." Pre-packaged dinners, snacks and fast foods not only provide your body with little actual nutrition and make you pack on pounds, but they actually interfere with your attempts to lose weight. Glycemic and toxic overload makes your metabolism sluggish, retaining fat and putting you at risk for diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. We help our clients make smarter food choices.

Reset your metabolism. If years or decades of poor dietary choices have turned your metabolism against you in your desire to lose weight, that internal "thermostat" needs to be jolted back into action at a higher level. A variety of nutritional supplements, administered by a knowledgeable health professional, can initiate this process. We use a combination of HCG, antler extract, B-12 injections and other proven metabolic boosters to help our clients start burning fat once again.

Retrain your brain. Your brain plays a major role weight management and weight loss because it controls several metabolic and physical factors via the hypothalamus. Through the use of acupuncture and cold laser therapy, we can stimulate nerve responses in the hypothalamus that result in up to a pound of fat lost per day with the aid of light exercise such as regular walks. This therapy goes hand in hand in HCG and other elements of our diet program and other services to help you lose those extra pounds quickly and safely.

Our Diet Program and Other Therapies Can Help

The hardest part of weight loss for people with metabolic issues is making those initial changes that allow the pounds to come off in the first place. Our time-tested techniques work to address exactly that -- so contact our Milwaukee weight loss center today or sign up for our summer weight loss deal.

Have you tried and failed to shed excess pounds in the past? What other methods have you tried?


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