
Our Members

NORA Members are an eclectic of professionals focused to advance the art and science of rehabilitation/habilitation. The neurologically/cognitively injured and disabled survivor population and their families.

Professionals recognizing the inherent dominance of vision over human performance, NORA emphasizes dissemination of existing technologies to optimize the frequently neglected visual-motor and visual-perceptual components of dysfunction in the neurologically affected person.

There exists, within the discipline of optometry, a ready-trained cadre of professionals uniquely skilled and experienced in the technologies of neuro-optometric rehabilitation/habilitation of the persons affected.

Integration of these unique neuro-optometric skills maximizes the potential of the rehabilitation team through a multidisciplinary approach.

Professionals involved with NORA

We recognize that each of the licensed health care disciplines possesses expertise essential to the optimum habilitation of these special-need populations.

Optometry Occupational Therapy
Pharmacology Audiology
Speech and Language Dentistry
Medicine Nursing
Psychology Neurology
Podiatry Physical Therapy
Chiropractic Allied Health
Public Health Social Work
Health Care Planners Institutions
Education Medical Ethics
Family and Survivor Member Law
Student Members Justice