
Our Goal

  • To facilitate the utilization/integration of each discipline's unique skills into an effective rehabilitation management team
  • To facilitate communication and understanding of the paradigms of care within each discipline.
  • To facilitate governmental and private third-party understanding of optimum, comprehensive integrated discipline team rehabilitation.
  • To facilitate public awareness and understanding of need for Neuro-Optometric rehabilitation services.
  • To serve physically and cognitively disabled persons and provide them with optimum visual rehabilitation.
  • To educate professionals including optometrists, educators, rehabilitation, and allied health professionals about Neuro-Optometric care.
  • To facilitate research regarding vision rehabilitation.
  • To develop inter and intra-professional networks that include Neuro-Optometric and vision rehabilitation services.
  • To make Neuro-Optometry a part of every multidisciplinary team treating individuals who suffer a traumatic brain injury.
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